if you need a basic criminal record check like example your name name and date of birth check—no fingerprints required you can.
Fingerprint-based police clearance certificates are issued by the RCMP after running the applicant’s fingerprints through the National Police Information database. An application submitted for a basic name and date of birth based check might result in a possible match during verification. This necessitates a fingerprint-based check. Moreover, some local and foreign authorities do not accept basic background checks and ask for a fingerprint-based criminal record check.
<p>A Judicial Matters Check is also a name and date of birth based. It is an enhanced level check, suitable for the employment and licensing procedures that require a Level-2 screening. Globeia’s normal processing time for a Judicial Matters Check is less than one hour, Monday through Friday (8 am to 4 pm).</p>
<p>Fingerprint-based police clearance certificates are issued by the RCMP after running the applicant’s fingerprints through the National Police Information database. An application submitted for a basic name and date of birth based check might result in a possible match during verification. This necessitates a fingerprint-based check. Moreover, some local and foreign authorities do not accept basic background checks and ask for a fingerprint-based criminal record check.</p>
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